Obsidian+Git for GPTs and ChatGPT conversations, 2024-01-21

YouTube: https://youtu.be/8zk8_Hr1xsY

Previous: Mega prompts with guest Lee Chazen, 2024-01-16

Next: TBD, 2024-01-23

This is a recording of an AI Salon / AI 101 Guild session.

Pete discusses and demos Obsidian, Git, and other related tools, and briefly discusses use cases for tracking GPTs you create as well as ChatGPT conversations.

Also see Pete's Obsidian videos in the Path Shift People Store.

AI Summary

MAY BE INACCURATE, confirm with video for accuracy

Quick recap

Pete Kaminski led a discussion on the use of web tools for note-taking and editing, highlighting Hackami and Obsidian. He demonstrated the use of Hackami and explained the basics of markdown. Pete emphasized the affordability of Obsidian and the helpfulness of its community, explaining its features like creating collections of documents called vaults and its use as a personal knowledge manager. He also discussed the limitations of GPT, the usefulness of Git for collaboration, and proposed creating a new Wiki software, the "massive Wiki".

Web Tool and Note-Taking Discussion

Pete Kaminski led a discussion about the use of a web tool called Hackami and the tool Obsidian for note-taking and markdown editing. He demonstrated the use of Hackami and explained the basics of markdown. Pete emphasized the affordability of Obsidian and the helpfulness of its community. He further explained the features of Obsidian, such as creating collections of documents called vaults, and its use as a personal knowledge manager or garden. Pete also mentioned that users can store their GPT prompts in Google Sheets. A brief discussion about the cost of using Obsidian on different devices was initiated, but no definitive answer was given. The meeting also touched on the creation of a Gpt and its potential uses.

Markdown and AI in Obsidian Document Management

Pete Kaminski discussed the usage of Markdown in a document creation and management tool called Obsidian. He demonstrated the process of creating and formatting documents using Markdown, including the use of headers and bullet points. Pete also explained how to utilize a specialized Markdown editor named Typeora, and its ability to switch between Markdown and non-Markdown formats. Towards the end of the meeting, he touched upon the application of AI in Obsidian via a chat GPT plugin. The participants showed interest in learning more about this application.

GPT Limitations and Backup Strategies

Pete Kaminski led a discussion about the limitations of Gpt, including how to manage large amounts of information within it, and demonstrated how to copy and paste information for backup. He shared his strategy of creating backup accounts to circumvent potential restrictions and mentioned that he had two Chgt accounts and planned to create a new one. Nuria Negrao and Mr IT Ivan Duran also shared their experiences with Gpt. Brandon Tidd clarified that the conversation starter feature in Gpt is randomized each time a new chat session is initiated to encourage diverse conversations.

Git's Use and Troubleshooting in Software Development

Pete Kaminski discussed the use of Git, a version control system used in software development, highlighting its complexity and the need for external resources such as Google and Stack Overflow for help with specific tasks. He also mentioned the usefulness of Git's ability to back up changes to the cloud. Later, Pete and Brandon Tidd discussed the use of a plugin that allows Obsidian to communicate with Git, sharing their experiences with Git and its usefulness for collaboration. Pete also compared Git to a car in terms of reliability and the need for occasional fixes, and mentioned teaching people how to troubleshoot issues with Git. He also hinted at a personal project related to Git but did not provide specific details.

Massive Wiki Software Vision Discussed

Pete Kaminski discussed his vision for a new Wiki software, the "massive Wiki", intended to improve user experience and efficiency. The software's key feature is its ability to track versions and sync them to the cloud, allowing multiple users to edit simultaneously. Pete also emphasized the importance of not editing the same place in a file to prevent version conflicts, and assured that the software would keep previous versions safe. He introduced Massive Wiki Builder, a software that converts a massive Wiki into a website for sharing. Pete also explained the use of a system of vaults and folders for organizing and sharing information, often using Github as a central hub. Towards the end, he chose to restart the discussion, focusing on using Github as a cloud version for their project. Mr IT Ivan Duran, referred to as Mr IT, agreed with the proposed name.

Creating AI Github Vault and Learning Curve

Pete Kaminski proposed creating a new Github repository, which he decided to keep private. He explained the process of cloning an empty folder from Github and transferring files from an old vault to the new one. The possibility of copying elements from another wiki was also discussed. Pete and Brandon Tidd discussed the complexity of AI and the steep learning curve, with Brandon Tidd providing feedback on the overwhelming nature of the information. Pete acknowledged the complexity and assured that there are straightforward how-to guides available. He committed to creating an easy-to-follow guide and addressing open questions, such as Nuria's query about accessing a Github vault from a computer. Ivan shared his progress and enthusiasm for learning AI.

Work Focus and Github Vault Management

Mr IT Ivan Duran shared his work approach, emphasizing the importance of focusing on individual goals rather than comparing oneself to others. Pete Kaminski supported Ivan's approach and encouraged him to stay focused on the learning process. Pete also discussed the use of Github as a version of the vault, demonstrating how to manage and track several items within the system. He highlighted the need for caution when installing community plugins and discussed the process of deleting a vault on Github. He also mentioned the potential challenges and rewards of working with new AI technology.

Cloning GitHub Repository and Enabling Obsidian Plugins

Pete Kaminski discussed the process of cloning a GitHub repository onto a computer using command line tools. He showed how to use the command line to clone a repository and open it in Obsidian, a note-taking software. He also demonstrated how to enable community plugins in Obsidian, mentioning the potential for this to reduce distracting notifications. A question from Mr IT Ivan Duran about the process of installing plugins was addressed with a suggestion to search for 'obsidian plugins' online.

Git and Obsidian for File Management

Pete Kaminski discussed the use of Git and Obsidian systems for managing and tracking changes in files. He demonstrated how to copy and delete files, and how Git keeps track of these changes. He emphasized the importance of making snapshots of the current state of the project, including notes about the changes made, and how to use Github to view the history and snapshots of the project. He also touched on the possibility of reverting changes if necessary.

File Versioning and Navigating Process

Pete Kaminski discussed the process of making changes to a file and keeping both the original and new versions accessible. He demonstrated a method of renaming a file and creating a duplicate, then navigating to the version history to obtain the new version as a separate file. He also mentioned the possibility of obtaining the version number and using it to retrieve the file. However, he encountered some confusion during the process and received help from Nuria Negrao to correct his actions. Pete concluded that finding the file itself was not too much harder than copying the version number.

Obsidian File Management With Chat GPT Exporter

Pete Kaminski demonstrated the use of Obsidian to manage and organize files, particularly those downloaded from Chat GPT. He showed how to create a vault, search for specific files, link to other files, and use bookmarks for easier navigation. He also mentioned a plugin called "Chat GP Exporter" which facilitates exporting conversations into Markdown format. The discussion concluded with Pete announcing the next meeting schedule.