Mega prompts with guest Lee Chazen, 2024-01-16


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This is a recording of an AI Salon / AI 101 session with guest Lee Chazen on ChatGPT mega prompts, FlexGPT, and

AI Summary

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Pixelation Quality Improvement Concept Discussion

Lee shared their experience with a premium version of a camera app, highlighting its ability to improve pixelation quality by using tiny cells to match colors, creating a computer-like version of the image. Inspired by this, Lee proposed a set of questions that progressively increase in clarity, with each question leading to another. This concept gained significant attention, over 15,000 views for research and psychology purposes. Pete and Mr expressed interest in seeing a demonstration of this concept.

Integrating GPT With Social Platforms and AI Experiment

The meeting discussed the integration of Gpt with platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and a website. Lee explained how Gpt could be integrated with Instagram through the Instagram API, allowing developers to access features such as posting content, sending messages, and user interaction. The discussion also touched upon the potential of Gpt to enhance user interactions and its ability to generate and answer questions. Towards the end, Lee mentioned the potential of Gpt to promote writing skills and gain followers. An experiment was also discussed where an AI system's ability to understand and respond to questions was being tested. The goal was to have the AI act as a guide or facilitator, helping to understand concepts or ideas. The potential of a feedback loop or dialogue with the AI was also discussed.

Exploring Flow Gt's Potential for Education

Ted and Lee explored the platform 'Flow Gt', which allows users to create and share prompts. They also discussed its potential use for educational purposes, suggesting it could help students develop prompts for classroom use. However, Ted emphasized the need to form partnerships with school districts. John raised questions about the official status of the GPTs and access requirements, with Lee clarifying that GPT plus had not yet been released and anyone could use GPT without needing an account. Lee also introduced the concept of earning 'flux points' on the platform, which could grant access to GPT 4 turbo.

Developing World History Game With Chatbot GBT

Lee discussed the development of a world history game based on a chatbot they created, named Gbt. They explained that the chatbot is capable of generating questions that cover various aspects of world history, including vocabulary, geography, and current events, across 20 different time periods. They also mentioned the ability to upload data sets to instruct the chatbot. Kayla, on the other hand, expressed concerns about the user experience, suggesting that the chatbot's output might be overwhelming when it provides multiple levels of information. Lee responded by explaining that the chatbot can be used to answer questions one at a time, and that the chatbot uses information from previous questions as part of the dataset. Pete also commented on the chatbot's ability to generate comprehensive study guides.

AI Prompt Crafting and Future Simulation Bot

Lee and Pete discussed the importance of prompt crafting in the AI sector. Lee emphasized that a unique prompt can be a valuable product, citing an example of a commissioned coaching bot. However, Pete noted that for many, AI is the ultimate goal. Lee also discussed the development of an AI bot designed to simulate future versions of users, with potential benefits for people with neurodivergent conditions. Kayla expressed interest in the bot's potential applications for veterans experiencing mental health issues. Lee also highlighted the potential of AI in research, particularly in the field of addiction.

Chatbot Prompt Creation and Monetization

Pete and Lee discussed the creation process of a chatbot prompt. Lee explained that the prompt is created through a collaborative process that involves a lot of writing and research. They also shared that the prompt is part of a larger dataset that includes information about the chatbot's audience, goals, and persona. The dataset is compiled from extensive research and is protected by a copyright. Lee also mentioned the possibility of monetizing the bot by charging for subscriptions. However, they shared that they have not seen a return on investment yet. Lee also gave a demonstration of how the bot works and how it can be integrated with a website.

Solo Contractor's Focus and Support Strategies

Lee and Mr discussed Mr's challenges with attention focus and work-life balance as a solo contractor. Lee suggested strategies such as task prioritization, time blocking, and setting boundaries. They also discussed the use of a tool called EFT. The conversation touched upon Mr's feelings of isolation, to which Lee offered further support. Lee and Pete also discussed a counseling bot for a veteran with PTSD, its benefits, and the incorporation of neuroscience knowledge into its responses. They highlighted the importance of polite language and the bot's ability to mimic human dialogue.

Liability Risks and Chatbot Implementation in Therapy

Kayla expressed concerns about the potential liabilities associated with using bots in therapy, which sparked a discussion about managing risks effectively. Lee suggested approaching the project as a team with clear disclaimers and community involvement. They emphasized the importance of liability insurance and shared their personal teaching experience. The team also discussed the idea of a collaborative chatbot but acknowledged the challenges of implementation. Kayla suggested the possibility of using holograms for future meetings, which Lee agreed to. No specific action items or decisions were made. Towards the end of the meeting, the team discussed the use of GPT models and Gbds, with Lee suggesting the use of Tbt Plus for most features.